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Journey of Loss
Understanding Grief
Angel Catcher
The Big Heart Playground

Understanding Grief
Experiencing loss in our lives
Feelings of loss, resulting in grief can be triggered not only by the death of a child or loved one but by many situations encountered in our daily lives. Divorce, jobs, prestige, a failed relationship, injury, loss of a breast to name but a few - these are just a few examples of the potential for experiencing loss in our lives.

We grieve in order that we might heal
Grief is a natural process. Although it may feel that there is no repair and that it is way too painful to even try to repair, there is a healing power inherent in what I call healthy grief. Within the deep pain of grief, there is healing. Sometimes it may not seem that way to you - but we grieve in order that we might heal.

Often being strong requires that we not feel our emotions, especially pain, anger, sorrow and grief. When we suppress our emotions, unfortunately we deny that a part of ourselves exists. This denial may eventually lead us to feeling powerless in our lives. We may become overwhelmed as we try to keep our feelings under control.

I believe that grief can be a turning point in one's life. A turning point that may become a point of growth; if the emotions of the grief are released.

Grief is not forever - love lives on beyond goodbye - and so our love lives on.

The First Tear
I would like to share a very old story with you about Adam and Eve.
It's a story about The First Tear.

Adam and Eve are being driven out of Eden
And are very very sad
At the thought of losing their life
In the beautiful Garden of Eden.
It has been their home for a while
And they have become attached to it
And now they have to say goodbye
Such a high price to pay
For eating that apple
You can imagine how sad they are
And so they are given a precious treasure.

A costly pearl - the tear.

They are told that when they are overwhelmed
By grief and loss
When their hearts are about to break
And great pain is clutching at their souls
Then this costly pearl - the tear
Will fall from their eyes
And the burden will at once
Be easier to bare.

I will mirror your aching heart
Grief can be a very lonely experience. It is our own personal pain, whether the experience of the loss of a child or loved one is shared between two parents, siblings or a whole community, our feeling of grief is a shared experience, yet also our very own personal one.

No one can hand us a tear...they come from inside us.

Only those of us who have felt the extreme pain of loss can truly understand how it feels. Just how painful it can become with every passing day. Each day that passes can leave us feeling more and more alone. I will mirror your aching heart.